Surgery: Gastric Bypass
Date of Surgery: June 17, 2013
Weight Loss Since Surgery: 120 pounds
Every time Celeste turned around she was either in the ER or another doctor’s office. She had so many referrals to various specialists that she couldn’t keep track of her appointments. All of her problems seemed to have one common denominator, her weight. She attempted weight loss on her own, but was unsuccessful. She would lose 5 pounds here or there, but not enough to make a difference. Reluctantly, she agreed to attend a weight loss seminar at Augusta University Health. Little did she know, that day was going to be one of the most pivotal moments in her life. After thorough information and guidance, Celeste opted to undergo gastric bypass surgery. With her list of health problems, it was decided that gastric bypass would be most beneficial for her. Since her journey began, she has lost approximately 120 pounds, and what seemed to be a never-ending list of medical diagnoses and medications are all “medical history.”